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The Power of Repurposed Content with AI Tools

AI tools like LiveLink are perfect for repurposing long-form videos into short clips or blog content. Learn how you can do this and improve your reach.

Repurpose Videos
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The Power of Repurposed Content with AI Tools

Why Repurposing Content is a Game-Changer for Content Creators

Repurposed video content is a game-changer. Repurposing content is great for saving time and money while also improving your reach. Repurposing videos using a clip maker helps you buy more time for your original content. This strategy makes it so you don’t have to force yourself to keep creating content from scratch all the time.

Also, repurposing makes sense for any content strategy. Repurposing content helps you to stay relevant and keep things fresh with your audience every time. You can safely repost on TikTok and other platforms, provided you don’t overdo it or post the same thing every time

But it’s not just TikToks, YouTube Shorts or Instagram Reels. You can repurpose content into non-video mediums like blog posts, and social media posts (Instagram photos). You only have to take the original video content's concept (or transcript) and apply it elsewhere.

This means you have a lot more possibilities for repurposing content. You can draw in people from various platforms and demographics to improve your visibility.

Whether that’s blog readers, podcast listeners or YouTube watchers, everybody can relate to your content. Some of these people might even become loyal subscribers and help market your podcast or YouTube video.

At the end of the day, repurposing content is about working smarter, not harder. Repurposing is about optimising your workflow, putting out more content into the world and fulfilling your marketing goals.

Many popular creators repurpose content all the time. They run their own clip channels, branch out into TikToks or YouTube Shorts and do a lot of things to highlight their content. Repurposing content isn’t brand new or taboo, there are hundreds of case studies to back this up.

So don’t be afraid to repurpose content. If you do it right, you can save time and improve your reach with minimal effort. Content repurposing is the Pareto Principle at play.

How to Identify Content with Repurposing Potential

Fancy hooks and satisfying sendoffs aside, what’s more important is the overall message. These insights or key takeaways are what will ultimately impress your viewers in the end.

Surprisingly enough, these are also what makes content worth repurposing. So if you don’t have anything valuable in the first place, you can’t repurpose them to create any value.

Sure, you can edit custom captions or use interesting video footage. But as you can tell, that’s already too much work and you’re not repurposing content anymore, you’re creating something new.

This is why you can’t repurpose things like TikTok dances or most entertainment content. You can only reframe it once or twice before it becomes stale.

Having a message that you can keep refreshing to your audience is important. This is the crux of any high-level piece of content that’s engaging.

So even if this message is outdated and irrelevant, you can still repurpose these types of content. They provide actual value to your followers so you can keep posting them in different flavours.

So gauging value is the best way to identify content you can repurpose. That said, you can verify that a piece of content is valuable and repurpose-worthy by looking for these things:

  • High-Engagement Pieces: If you’ve had podcast episodes or videos with lots of views and comments, it’s great for repurposing. Doesn’t matter if it’s controversial or highly polarising. You can still run a clip maker on these videos and refresh history.
  • Topics That Never Go Out of Style: Timeless and evergreen topics are always perfect for repurposing. Content like how-to guides and insights into specific industries will always stay relevant. You can keep reposting these regularly without any repercussions.
  • Responding to Feedback: Another way to keep improving repurposed content is by connecting with your audience. You can make different shorts by responding to feedback. You can refresh old content directly, add a new spin on it or even “react” to the situation.
  • Visual-Heavy Content: If you have content with more visuals and aesthetics, you can repurpose them further. Videos with engaging infographics, demonstrations and tutorials have great value. You can keep repurposing them by changing the audio and switching things up a bit.

Ways to Repurpose Content Across Different Platforms

So if you already have original content that can provide value, it’s best to start repurposing them.

You have different ways to start repurposing content. With LiveLink, you can start by converting your long-form videos into Shorts.

While doing so, you can even branch out into audio podcasts, blog posts and even other videos. You only have to download the transcript from LiveLink.

The transcript explains everything that happens in the video. Transcripts show what the speakers are saying and when they’re saying it.

So by converting the video to text on a transcript, you can keep repurposing content several times. You can use it as a script for a newer video. You can also change the transcript into an audio-only podcast or blog post.

Content repurposing has a lot of potential without that many downsides. But repurposing is an effective strategy only if you’ve got something worth sharing with your audience.

So be sure to check out LiveLink to repurpose longer videos. Also, see how it compares to similar alternatives like GetMunch.

The Power of Repurposed Content with AI Tools

Repurpose Videos

Upload or Link Your YouTube Video to LiveLink

First, be sure to navigate to LiveLink.ai. After that, follow the instructions to upload your piece of content to LiveLink via direct upload or YouTube URL.

Pick an Aspect Ratio Format

After you click on “Try For Free,” LiveLink will ask you to pick an aspect ratio format. Here, you can pick between 1:1, 9:16 and 16:9 video formats. Choose what’s best for your video content and click on “Get Clips.” LiveLink also gives a few pointers to help you choose.

Preview Your Repurposed Content

LiveLink will start repurposing your videos into short clips. The website will take you to a new page when it creates clips and let you browse the final results. Here, you can download your favourite clips, upload them directly or import them into the video editor


What Are The Benefits of Repurposing Content?

Repurposing content lets you extend its lifespan and reach new audiences. With this method, you don’t have to create new content from scratch. Repurposing can also help save time and transform your content blog posts and other formats.

What Types of Content are Best for Repurposing?

Evergreen content like how-to guides is great for repurposing since they never go out of style. You can also break down things like webinars and podcast episodes into TikTok-style short clips or blog content.

Can I Repurpose Content for Free with AI Tools?

Yes. You can use LiveLink and similar AI tools to repurpose content for free. LiveLink provides access to all premium features for the first 40 minutes of the original video. You can even keep working on more projects if you delete the old ones to free up space.