AI tools
TikTok ad Mockup Video

TikTok ad Mockup Video

Test and visualise how ads look on TikTok using LiveLink’s TikTok overlay and mockup generator.
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LiveLink’s TikTok ad Mockup Tool

Visualise Your Ads on TikTok with LiveLink. Refine Your Content for Better Engagement and Clicks.


Boost Your Social Media Presence

Amplify your social media presence with engaging video content. Create viral clips that attract followers and enhance your online visibility.


It's free to try

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Simplified Workflow For Content Creators

Simplify your workflow with LiveLink AI's user-friendly tools. Our intuitive interface makes video editing accessible and hassle-free, even for beginners.

What is a TikTok ad Mockup Tool?

A TikTok ad mockup tool helps advertisers preview their advertisement videos. They can use these mockup generators to see how their ad or short clip will look on TikTok.

These mockup generators have templates and extra features that improve this visualising experience. For instance, they can combine other TikTok to simulate how a user scrolls through TikTok and comes across the ad.

Also, these tools include video editors that help you refine these ads. You can do things like add text, trim the TikTok video and splice in different video clips to boost engagement.

Try it out

How Do You Mockup A Video for TikTok ads?

TikTok ads aren’t that much different from regular TikToks. So if you can create a regular TikTok that’s fun and engaging, you’re heading in the right direction.

After that, it’s a simple process of fine-tuning the results to improve conversions and get users to click on the ad. This means, doing things like:

  • Adding a CTA (Call To Action)
  • Using captivating visuals and engaging TikTok hooks (to grab attention from the user)
  • Adding captions, trending music and other visual elements (to highlight your brand and improve accessibility)
  • Fine-tuning these results.

So the hardest part is creating the video content. You can do this by recording a new video from scratch or using a viral clip-maker to generate TikTok-style clips.

Get started

What Makes a Great TikTok ad?

Here’s what you need to incorporate to make your TikTok ad stand out:

  • Engaging Hook: You need to make viewers pull the brakes on their “scroll finger” and impress them within the first 3 seconds.
  • Vertical Aspect Ratio: Always be sure to resize videos to a 9:16 aspect ratio. This improves the professionalism of your ad and makes it accessible to mobile viewers.
  • Call To Action: A CTA is always important. Introduce a CTA at the end or middle of a TikTok ad to boost conversions.
  • High-Quality Visuals: You always need crisp and clear 1080p visuals. Make sure you shoot videos and animations in high resolution to boost the visuals.
  • Fast Editing: Trim out the boring parts and use quick cuts to keep things fast and dynamic. This helps to maintain viewer interest so your ad doesn’t look stiff and boring.
  • Use Trends: Incorporate trending music, visual elements and challenges. This can boost relevance and engagement.
Try for yourself

How to Use LiveLink’s TikTok ad Mockups

Follow these steps to import your videos to LiveLink and preview them with the TikTok mockup generator


Upload Your Video to LiveLink

First, head over to LiveLink.ai. Then, copy the YouTube URL of the video you want to clip and paste it into the search box. You can also upload a video file directly.


Pick an Aspect Ratio

After that, click on “Create Clips.” LiveLink will then ask you to decide on an aspect ratio format. Pick what’s best for your content and click on “Get Clips.”


Check the TikTok Overlay

LiveLink will take you to a new page. Here, scroll to find the clip for which you want to generate a mockup. Then, click on the edit button. LiveLink will take you to its video editor.

Here, click on the TikTok button at the middle right of the screen. This will open the TikTok overlay and allow you to test the TikTok ad mockups

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Is the TikTok Ads Mockup Tool Free?
Yes, you can use LiveLink’s TikTok ad mockup tool for free as long as you stick within the 40-minute time limit. If you exceed this limit, you’ll have to delete projects to save space or subscribe to a paid plan.
What are the Benefits of Using a TikTok ad Mockup Generator?
The mockup generator allows you to visualise the ad for how it will appear on TikTok. This can help you refine things and get better feedback.
How Do I Use LiveLink to Create a TikTok ad?
You can use LiveLink’s clip maker to create promotional content for social media from your longer videos. After that, you can use the TikTok overlay and mockup generator to see how it will look on TikTok.

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What creators say about us

Very easy to use, loved how simple it was and the finished results are amazing. If you create clips for socials, this is the best tool out there”.

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Jamie Pearsons
Podcast Creator
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