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The Future of Podcast Marketing: AI and Automation

The future of podcast marketing falls into the domain of AI now. So learn to use non-generative and generative AI tools to promote your podcast more effectively.

Create Podcast Clips
lots of podcasts being recoded and shows on mobile devices

The Future of Podcast Marketing: AI and Automation

Enhancing Podcast Visibility with Video Clips

Nowadays, AI has come a long way. So AI in marketing is an especially useful sector for podcasters and content creators.

So if you’re a driven marketer or creator, you already know about the power of AI for marketing. AI can do a lot of things at once and at a much faster rate.

You've got several ways to use the latest AI tools for marketing your podcast and other forms of content. The most common approach is repurposing your podcasts into different mediums and promoting them on a variety of platforms.

For instance, you can use an AI clip-maker tool to make podcast clips for social media. You can then upload these clips on different short-form social media platforms like TikTok.

This type of strategy can get more eyes on your content in a short amount of time. So you can link back to your original podcast so anybody interested can check out the full podcast.

Other Roles of AI in Modern Podcast Marketing

So repurposing your podcast into TikTok-style short clips is the most popular marketing strategy. That said, the world of AI is much more nuanced and you can get more done thanks to AI marketing tools.

So besides auto-clipping podcast clips, you can keep leveraging AI to market your podcast with:

  • Auto Transcript Generators: AI tools can transcribe your videos on the fly thanks to things like speech detection. You can use these to create a transcript, show notes and even automatic captions that improve the user experience.
  • SEO Boosting: AI can also analyse your content and give you SEO recommendations. These AI tools can generate hashtags and SEO-friendly captions. These can help to improve content visibility on search engines and boost your clips.
  • Understanding Your Audience: Data-driven marketing AI tools can also help you find the right audience for your podcast. They can analyse your content and match it with trends and demographics. This can help push your content to the right people and get the best results.

Maximising Engagement with AI-Generated Podcast Clips

The power of AI is pretty versatile when you want to repurpose podcasts into shorter clips. However, the AI won’t always follow the best course of action for your podcast and will make some mistakes.

So you can’t always let the AI do everything on full auto-pilot. You’ll also have to set up a few things manually before the podcast clips will give you more views and backlinks.

Some of the things you'll have to review or configure to boost engagement for podcast clips are:

  • Resize the Clips Correctly: Tools like LiveLink can use face detection to recenter the video on people. But for this to work, you need to set the correct aspect ratio. So make sure to resize your video to cover the subjects of interest without cutting them off.
  • Check the Auto-Captions: AI podcast clip makers do a pretty decent job transcribing and adding auto-captions. However, be sure to review these captions and ensure there are no errors or spelling mistakes.
  • Trim Clips to be as Short as Possible: These AI tools can automatically trim long silences and off-camera moments. That said, it’s better to trim things down even further so your podcast clips are short and snappy.
  • Edit The Captions: Captions don’t always have to parrot what the speakers are saying. You can use the captions to include extra information. This can be anything from explaining sound effects, to providing context or even a simple link or promo code.

Creating Consistent Branding for Podcast Clips with Caption Templates

Apart from the above tips, there’s also an extra handy feature on captions that only LiveLink can provide.

LiveLink can add captions automatically and also let you edit the captions via the transcript. But other than that, it also gives you full freedom to customise the styling of your captions.

So with LiveLink, you can change anything from the font colour to the line spacing and alignment.

What’s more, you can also save these styling options as presets and apply them for future videos. This option can save you extra time and let you stay consistent with your branding without any extra effort.

So be sure to use LiveLink to generate your podcast clips and edit them. See how it compares to other podcast clip-maker tools like GetMunch.

The Future of Podcast Marketing: AI and Automation

Create Podcast Clips

Upload or Link to Your Original Podcast

First, you’ll have to show LiveLink the original podcast you want to work on. You can do this by heading over to LiveLink.ai. Then, upload the podcast video or link to the YouTube video.

Select the Aspect Ratio Format

After that, LiveLink’s going to ask you to pick the aspect ratio for the podcast clips. You can pick between 9:16, 1:1 and 16:9. Pick the best one and click on “Get Clips.” LiveLink’s artificial intelligence will start clipping your podcast now.

Review the AI-Driven Podcast Clips

LiveLink will take you to a new page when it’s finished clipping out your podcast. Here, it will show a list of the clips the implemented AI has managed to create. Here, you can preview, edit, download or publish the ones you want.


How Can I Automate Podcast Promotion With Clip Makers?

Short-form video content is one of the best marketing strategies for podcasts. So you can stay ahead of the curve by using these clip-maker tools to create and publish podcast clips automatically.

How to Optimise Podcast Clips for Different Social Media Platforms?

Make sure your podcasts come with a mobile-friendly 9:16 aspect ratio. Apart from that, things like adding captions, recentering active speakers and keeping things short and precise will go a long way.

Can I Promote My Podcast for Free with These AI Tools?

Yes, you can use AI-powered clip makers like LiveLink to generate podcast clips automatically. These tools are mostly free to use so you can test out your marketing strategy and see if they are viable on social media. Besides, posting on platforms like TikTok and YouTube Shorts is completely free.