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State of Short Form Video

The state of short-form video is changing in 2024. Regular YouTube is dying and short-form content is king. Learn how to make the best of it and adapt your content creation efforts.

Create Short Videos
a representation of short form video on mobile devices

State of Short Form Video in 2024 For Content Creators

The Rise of Short-Form Video Content: Early Beginnings

Short-form video content has had a meteoric rise to fame. They’ve taught about the landscape of social media and the type of formats most target audiences prefer and love.

Nowadays, creators use clip makers left and right to create dozens of short clips. That said, short-form videos initially had their spark on platforms like Vine. They were the first to leverage short-form video content; creating snappy and fast-flowing videos.

These videos blaze through Vine as shooting stars. They come out strong and disappear fast. Content creators were especially creative with this format. They made short and engaging videos that were fun to watch.

Some of these were even so good that users would watch them multiple times before moving on. Creators knew how to use techniques like seamless video loops and interesting

Vine definitely had its moments. That said, it was TikTok that started leveraging short-form videos most effectively.

Key Platforms Dominating Short Form Video In 2024

Not long after, TikTok transformed this format, bringing short-form video content into the mainstream. TikTok opened the floodgates to more users and creators down the totem pole.

TikTok’s success made one thing clear: consumers prefer to watch bite-sized snappy content. As such, this prompted social media giants like YouTube and Instagram to develop their own short-form video platforms.

This is how YouTube Shorts and Instagram Reels came out. They have their own strengths and weaknesses but share the same format as TikTok. This is especially true for YouTube Shorts, which is a strong contender against TikTok.

Trends That are Shaping the Future of Short-Form Video

Short-form videos add a lot to the social media sphere of influence. These platforms have the majority of viewers from all around the world. Also, short-form content is not just for the younger audience. Older viewers and various demographics are also joining in.

Besides, nowadays,short-form video content is more than just entertainment. The high viewer engagement rates have made them a powerful tool for video marketers, influencers, and brands.

The short duration fits perfectly into the fast-paced lives of modern users. For people, short-form content is low-commitment and easy to digest. They can enjoy something in less than a minute without having to watch 20 minutes of YouTube.

Besides, this short-form video content comes with manual or auto-generated captions. So you don’t need to fish out your headphones every time you need to understand what’s going on in the video content.

All this combined makes short-form video content perfect for sending a message quickly and efficiently. Short-form videos are great for entertainment, marketing and education.

Also, the shorter time frame allows creators to be more creative. Content creators can experiment with different strategies, including content repurposing via YouTube videos.

So to market something or grow your brand, short-form video content is the way to go. You can highlight anything from podcasts to gaming videos.

In a nutshell, short-form videos are the best way to create video ads without actually paying for advertising.

Challenges and Opportunities in Short-Form Video Marketing

Now, it’s not news that promoting goods and services on short-form video platforms is the way to go. Short-form content has a better shot at reaching a global audience. These platforms can find more people that match target demographics and improve engagement for your videos.

That being said, short-form video marketing is not easy; not by a long shot. You’ll run into several challenges like:

Staying Consistent with Fresh and Original Content:

Keeping the ball rolling with your hot new podcast or video series is hard. You might have a head start but you’ll have to work twice as hard to build an audience and keep them coming back.

Measuring the Results and Return on Investment

Tracking watch time, subscribers and CTRs can be somewhat difficult. This is especially true when you need to combine metrics from different platforms.

These platforms don’t play nice with each other let alone share similar metrics. This means you’ll have a hard time figuring out which platforms or pieces of content netted you the most views or sales.

For instance, you can’t pinpoint things like how many viewers from TikTok watched your entire podcast episode on YouTube. You’ll have to set up special links and other convoluted systems that can take time to operate and come together.

Keeping up With Trends and Followers

Trends and challenges are just like short-form video content: short lifespan but massive impact. Because of this, jumping on the bandwagon, let alone keeping up with it is a huge challenge.

So things like finding which trends are perfect and participating to stay ahead is not easy.

On top of that, there’s also the task of engaging with the community. Doing things like responding to followers, and creating secondary content (BTS, AMAs and FAQs) take time and effort.

Adapting Content to Each Platform

Although the principle is the same, TikTok and YouTube Shorts operate differently. For instance, things like hashtag generation, video size, trends and accessibility requirements vary across platforms.

Even though you have the same source material, optimising these for each platform can take a lot of time. You’ll have to understand the nuances of each platform and make sure to adjust these for each platform to get the best results.

Although the rewards are well worth it, marketing on short-form video platforms is not easy. You’ll have to spend a lot of time or money to grow on these platforms and spread your message.

Fortunately, there are solutions to all these challenges. You can hire experts to handle various aspects of social media marketing. Besides that, you can also use AI tools like LiveLink to expedite certain processes.

With LiveLink, you can buy more time for your original content by speeding up content repurposing efforts. You can use its long-to-short video AI tool to convert your long-form videos into multiple short-form video clips.

This can help you maintain your channel on TikTok and other platforms. With LiveLink, you don’t have to worry about the quality or how to optimise for different platforms. LiveLink’s clip maker tool can do this automatically with AI and save you a ton of time and money.

State of Short Form Video

Create Short Videos

Upload Your Long Form Video Content to LiveLink

First, you must show LiveLink which video you want to create. You can do this by heading over to LiveLink.ai and uploading the video file. You can also speed this up by linking to a video on YouTube if you already have it up on the platform.

Select an Aspect Ratio

After you confirm the source video, LiveLink will ask you to pick the aspect ratio format for the final short clips. Here, LiveLink gives recommendations based on the type of content and you can pick between 1:1, 9:16, and 16:9.

Preview and Download Your Clips

LiveLink will then create short-form videos from the source material. LiveLink will take you to a new page when it finishes. Here, you can preview, download, and edit clips as you need.


Why is Short Form Video Content So Popular?

These types of videos satisfy the short attention spans of today's viewers. They provide instant payoff and keep viewers wanting more. Besides, this content is perfect for mobile viewing, allowing users to access content instantly on their devices.

What Platforms Are Best for Short Form Video in 2024?

TikTok is the social media platform that made the short-form video format famous. YouTube and Instagram quickly followed suit with YouTube Shorts and Instagram Reels. These platforms are the top platforms, so it’s better to focus on these as a content creator.

Can I Use AI to Create Short Form Video Content for Free?

Yes, you can use AI tools like LiveLink to create multiple TikTok-style short clips from long-form videos. LiveLink can instantly rearrange user-generated content to fit these short-form platforms and create brand awareness.