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How to Add Chapters to YouTube Video

Chapters can boost engagement and add structure to your videos. Learn how to add them through YouTube Studio.

Add Chapters
a modal showing an option to download chapters for a youtube video

How to Add Chapters to YouTube Video

Chapters are one of the most underrated features on YouTube. Many YouTubers fail to use this properly. Others barely include chapters in their videos.

Most creators think that adding chapters will decrease watch time. This is not true as videos with chapters do way better. People prefer watching videos with chapters and YouTube's algorithm also boosts these videos.

So let's learn how to add chapters to your videos and discuss the benefits. We'll also talk about using LiveLink's YouTube Shorts Maker for streamlining your short-form content creation workflow.

Why is it Important to Add Chapters To Your YouTube Videos?

Adding chapters makes it easier to navigate the timeline. So when you have chapters, people can easily scrub the timeline to find the sections they need to watch.

This also has another benefit. It makes your videos more visible to YouTube's algorithm. So just like hashtags, you're organising the content inside your video.

This improves SEO for your videos. This means, increasing the chances that YouTube will push your video to other viewers.

On top of that, it also makes your videos come up in search results. Google, for instance, will directly show your video and play the relevant chapter.

So it's always a good idea to organise the chapters on your YouTube videos. It makes your content look neat and accessible.

Which Types of Videos Need The Chapters Feature?

Essentially, any long-form video on YouTube will benefit from having chapters set up. This means YouTube videos longer than 2 minutes with proper breaks and structure.

Sadly, YouTube shorts are out of the question. Also, more loose-form, such as doesn't need YouTube chapters. These include things like behind-the-scenes (BTS) footage and more random content.

So the types of content that actually need chapters are:

  • Lectures and Educational Videos: It's important to separate complex topics or concepts into chapters. This makes it easier for students to revise. They can easily switch back and forth without losing their focus.
  • How-To Videos: Separating each important step makes it easy for viewers to follow along. They can instantly follow along or instantly switch to a specific step.
  • Podcasts and Interviews: Viewers don't have to slog through long sections when skimming a podcast or interview. They can quickly find key moments or highlights via the chapters.
  • Product Reviews and Demos: With chapters in place, people don't have to watch entire product reviews or demos. They can quickly skip to specs, pros and cons, how-to-use and verdict without wasting time.
  • Travel Videos: Most travel vlogs and exploration videos can run for hours. Chapters help separate the locations, activities and encounters. Users can instantly pick the sections they want to watch and keep exploring.

Adding Chapters For YouTube Videos: Best Practices

Here are some of the things you need to consider when adding chapters for YouTube videos:

Try Adding Chapters Manually

YouTube offers the option to add chapters automatically. That being said, it's better to add chapters manually.

This is because you have more control over your content. You can make sure the chapters are accurate and line up exactly when each section starts.

Also, YouTube simply uses an AI to read the transcript and generate these chapters. So instead of relying on plain descriptions, you can add a personal touch to these chapters.

You can highlight something that goes beyond the video. You can also keep things different to align with your intention, brand or audience.

However, this all depends on the type of video content.

Maintain Timestamp Accuracy

Make sure the timestamps accurately reflect when each chapter begins. This is important as people will skip your videos if your chapters don't deliver.

So try to place your chapters so they address the situation as directly as possible.

Avoid Putting Too Many or Too Few Chapters

Too many chapters can make your timeline messy and difficult to scrub through. Too few chapters are generally okay but it depends on the type of content.

For example, if your video is a how-to, you need more chapters that discuss each major step. If it's a more entertaining video, you can get by without putting too much detail into the chapters.

We don't have any exact value on how many chapters you can include. That said, try to make sure it doesn't clutter up the timeline.

Don't Forget to Update the Chapters

If you make any changes along the way, it's important to update the chapters to reflect this change. Whether that's cutting out pieces or adding something, remember to update the chapters.

Otherwise, your video won't be as relevant.

How to Add Chapters to YouTube Video

Add Chapters

How to Add Video Chapters For Your Videos?

  1. First, sign into YouTube Studio on your PC or Mac
  2. Then, click on the "Content" tab on the left panel
  3. After that, click on the video you want to add chapters for
  4. Then, type out the chapters along with the timestamps in the video description
  5. You want to follow the format "00:00 [Chapter 1 Name]"
  6. Make sure you have at least three chapters with each timestamp longer than 30 seconds
  7. Then, click on "Save" to save the video
  8. After that, you can preview the video and check if the chapters come on.

Can I Add Chapters to YouTube Shorts?

No, you can't add chapters to YouTube shorts. Chapters are only allowed in regular videos which are at least 2 minutes long. Also, your chapters should be at least 30 seconds apart.

Won't Adding Chapters Decrease My Watch Time?

No. Adding chapters can only improve your watch time. This is because most people won't watch your videos at all if they can't find any chapters. So if you have chapters on your videos, people will stay and watch, maybe even check out the other chapters or rewatch your video in its entirety.

Can I Use AI To Generate Chapters?

You can use YouTube to automatically add chapters for your video for free. However, we recommend adding chapters manually as you have more control over the direction of your video.