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Automatic Hashtag Generator for Social Media

Find the perfect hashtags for your content with LiveLink’s hashtag generator app. Boost your content on the algorithm and get the best reach.

Generate Hashtags
a toggle switch to initiate generation of hashtags by AI

Automatic Hashtag Generator for Social Media

What is an Automatic Hashtag Generator?

An automatic hashtag generator tool can instantly analyse your content and recommend hashtags. Most content creators use these tools to save time, add auto captions and find the right hashtags with less effort.

Why Should I Use an Automatic Hashtag Generator?

An Automatic hashtag generator app is a pretty handy tool if you’re a budding content creator. One of its best features is time efficiency. With these tools, you can instantly generate hashtags for Instagram or other platforms without having to do any research by yourself.

The AI does the work for you and gives you accurate hashtags. You can use these directly or set them up as a baseline to research more hashtags. In any case, these automatic hashtag generators make life easier for content creators so don’t forget to use one.

LiveLink comes with an AI-powered hashtag generator. It can analyse long videos and come up with hashtags to fit key moments and highlights.

Check out this comparison between LiveLink and vidyo to learn its full features.

How Does LiveLink’s AI Automatic Hashtag Generator Work?

LiveLink has an AI that can detect speech in videos. It uses this to generate captions and find the best moments or highlights.

The AI will separate these highlights and analyse them with hashtags used for similar content. The AI will then generate a list of hashtags and take out any overused and non-trendy hashtags.

The AI will fine-tune the results and whittle things down to a list of 4-6 of the most relevant hashtags. LiveLink will take these and display them next to each clip for you to use.

Other Features of LiveLink’s Automatic Hashtag Generator

Besides generating hashtags using AI, LiveLink also provides features such as:

  • AI-Powered Auto-Clipper: You can use LiveLink to repurpose your longer videos into TikToks and similar short clips. LiveLink can automatically find highlights and clip them out.
  • Post Scheduler: LiveLink’s latest feature includes post-scheduling. You can connect your socials and schedule posts via LiveLink. This automates the entire process so you don't have to wait for the right time.
  • Auto-Caption Generator: LiveLink also adds captions and generates a transcript for each short clip it generates. You can use these to create captions and boost your views.
  • YouTube Video Downloader: LiveLink has an ad-free YouTube download with many features. Download YT videos in 1080p, as mp3 audio files, transcripts or individual chapters.
  • In-House Video Editor: LiveLink runs on the web and comes with a video editor that’s great for beginners. Trim videos and edit captions on the web without downloading anything. You can also use the editor on an iPad or Android tablet.

Automatic Hashtag Generator for Social Media

Generate Hashtags

Upload Your Video or Link Your Source Material

First, you need to show LiveLink your original video content or link to something similar. You can do this by uploading a video file or copying the link to a YouTube video. Simply head over to to get started.

Pick a Format and Watch the AI Go

After you link to a YouTube video or video file, you have to pick a video format. After this, LiveLink will start generating short clips and hashtags to go along with these.

Collect Your Hashtags and Publish Your Post

Then, LiveLink will redirect you to a list of short clips. Here, you can scroll down through each and find any clips that match your post. You can then copy the recommended hashtags and use them directly.


Can I Customise the Hashtags That Are Automatically Generated by LiveLink?

Yes, you don’t always need to use the auto-generated hashtags. LiveLink’s free tool gives you several hashtags for each shot clip. You can use these or rerun the project to fine-tune your list of hashtags.

Can These Automatically Generated Hashtags Improve Reach on Any Social Media Platform?

Yes, LiveLink’s hashtag strategy makes sure to include popular hashtags that look right at home on any social media platform. Whether that’s hashtags on Instagram, TikTok or YouTube, you can use these on any platform.

Does LiveLink’s AI Hashtag Generator Always Give Out Popular and Relevant Hashtags?

LiveLink’s AI generates hashtags that best fit your content. It gives you a list of hashtags that can give you the biggest reach. This includes a mix of popular and trending hashtags without going all out on just the most popular hashtags.